., broken lights on the freeway -
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., broken lights on the freeway -
the home of ava penner .
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welcome - broken lights on the freeway .
annoucements & activity checks
questions & suggestions .
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the drop off .
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pending , incomplete .
the character files .
the female stars .
the male stars .
claims & sign ups .
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cell phones .
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blogging .
aspen van duzen's blog .
blaise mackenzi's blog .
keely valentine's blog .
tristan valmont's blog .
www . gossip-girl . com .
highland park high school .
university of california, los angeles .
los angeles housing .
the home of ava penner .
the home of carter sanders .
the home of charlemagne da vinci .
the home of genevieve marquis .
the home of jamie lowe.
the home of rosalie mondenero .
the home of stephanie lawson.
restaurants .
jamba juice .
starbucks .
pinkberry .
sushi nozawa.
leila's .
mcdonalds .
shopping .
fashion district.
rodeo drive.
melrose avenue.
around los angeles .
melrose park.
newport beach .
other places to go .
importance .
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out of character .
behind the character .
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